Monday, November 5, 2007

Grade 6 Science Lesson

Title of Learning Object: Flight

Subject: Science

Grade Level: 6


Description of Learning Object:
By clicking the link above a short video about a little wizard who wants to fly will start. Following the video you are given a choice of three tools to search. By navigating through all these tools, you will learn all about flying, and should be able to start thinking about how to build an airplane. It even follows the path that flight has taken from 1783 – present.

I would use this site in my grade 6 flight class. The students could go on to this site and navigate around to find out as much as they can about flight. While they are on the site they should be taking notes of anything they feel is important. After everyone has gotten their information they can begin to collaborate in groups about how they could build an airplane. This could be the start of an airplane building project.

Planning and Prep:
I would view the entire video, as well as go through each tool link and lesson that is provided. I would make sure all of the student computers had the necessary software. I would have the students work individually to gather information and then to collaborate after. I would make sure there are computers available for each student, as well as make sure the site works on each computer.

Describe properties of air and the interactions of air with objects in flight.

4. Recognize that in order for devices or living things to fly, they must have sufficient lift to overcome the downward force of gravity.
5. Identify adaptations that enable birds and insects to fly.
6. Describe the means of propulsion for flying animals and for aircraft.

ICT Outcomes:
C.1 - Students will access, use and communicate information from a variety of technologies.
Specific Outcomes
2.1 access and retrieve appropriate information from the Internet by using a specific search path or from given uniform resource locations (URLs)

C.7 - Students will use electronic research techniques to construct personal knowledge and meaning.
Specific Outcomes
2.1 use a variety of technologies to organize and synthesize researched information