Thursday, September 13, 2007

About Myself and Blogging in the Classroom

Hey I'm Sara, born and raised in Medicine Hat. I graduated in 2005 from McCoy High School and went straight to college the following year. Throughout high school I realized I wanted to be a teacher and decided to major in CTS with a general business focus. I chose CTS as my major because I have an interest in implementing more technology into schools and also have always had an interest for business. This is my third year in the education program but my first year at The U of L. I took my two previous years of education at the Medicine Hat College. I hope to teach Kindergarden, but if that doesn't work out I would like to teach grade one, two, or three.

I feel that blogging could be an excellent way to integrate technology into the classroom. It gets students on computers and working on typing, navigation, internet, and communication skills. It not only provides an excellent place for collaborating, brainstorming, and a place to help classmates, it allows students to feel more comfortable about sharing ideas as well as asking questions. I also believe blogging is a good tool for teachers to use. They can post assignments, reviews, test dates, and also have a place where they can connect with parents and students who may not feel comfortable with face to face discussion.

One of the teachers I had an art practicum with posted all her lessons and monthly themes online. I thought this was a great idea because it allowed the parents of her students to see what was going on in the classroom and also provided any assignments a student may have missed on certain days they were not in school. On her posted site she would be able to answer any questions the parents as well as the students my have had.

Though there are many safety precautions teachers have to take into consideration, such as respect issues, publicly posting items, etc. Blogging could be an extremely effective tool in classrooms.

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