Title of Activity: Learn to Read
Reference (website to use): http://www.starfall.com/
Grade Level: 1 English Language Arts
Description of Activity:
-each student will have their own computer to work on
-they will be shown how to type in a url and go to starfall.com
-on this site students will have to use the mouse and navigate along with the teacher
-they will go to “Learn to Read” and simply click on the start button
-once they have started the students will independently work on the reading activities given
-the website will help guide students through it, by using a hand to point at where to click
-when done the activites the students can begin the read the stories
General Leaner Outcomes:
- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view
and represent to comprehend and respond
personally and critically to oral, print and
other media texts.
Specific Learner Outcomes:
- use strategies and cues
- associate sounds with letters and some letter clusters
-self-correct when reading does not make sense, using cues such as pictures, context, phonics, grammatical awareness and background knowledge
Relevant ICT Outcomes:
- F.6 - Students will demonstrate a basic understanding of the operating skills required in a variety of technologies.
-1.1-perform basic computer operations, which may vary by environment, including powering up, inserting disks, moving the cursor, clicking on an icon, using pull- down menus, executing programs, saving files, retrieving files, printing, ejecting disks and powering down
Technology is extremely important to integrate into education. Our society is becoming more and more technically advanced, therefore we must educate our students to ensure they are prepared to enter the “real world”. Integrating technology into the classroom also allows teachers to well educate their students. It allows students to communicate and learn from different places or even classes around the world. It also allows students to feel more comfortable in expressing themselves and gives them a chance to reflect on themselves as well as on others (ex: blogging).
Technology can be integrated into all grade levels, even grade one. In my lesson the grade one students are using computers to be able to become comfortable with navigating around a website as well as using the keyboard and mouse. They are doing this while also completing a lesson on reading. Integrating technology into the classroom can be quite easy if there are available resources.
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1 comment:
Hello Sara,
This is Lauren. How are you? I hope you had an awesome weekend :)
I enjoyed reading your blog and learning a bit about you. Your most recent post was engaging and provided me with some insight to integrating technology in a grade one English Language Arts classroom.
For starters I love the idea of all the students having their own computer to experiment with. It gives them such a great sense of ownership and individual learning. You made a good point about teaching them to write a URL, seems simple, but not when your in gr.1! The site you picked sounded super fun and educational. I love the idea of them learning to use a mouse and navigating with the teachers help. There is a level of assistance but still a sense of control on their part. What a fun way to learn to read! Playing activites and moving along at your own pace. All chilren learn to read at their own pace and by engaging in a fun website might be just the ticket for some!
Many children dont have the opportunity or access to a computer so I think it is fantastic that are able to work on their own.
You were bank on when meeting your GLO's and SLO's, I was impressed.A fun however educational approach to reading.
Great Blog I really enjoyed reading it. Bye for now :)
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